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  1. Right now there’s a jar of fresh homemade maple syrup sparkling on our kitchen windowsill. This you’ll see in my next blog post, sometime this week yet, hopefully. Do drop by and imagine it’s sweetness!

  2. Our kitchen window is brightened by nothing other than bright sunshine.

    Snow on the mountains lol, we still have snow on the lawn!!!!!!!

  3. Love your pretty photo! =)
    I have a bottle of lotion on my windowsill that my Daughter gave me, and a little “stained glass” doll that attaches to the window with a suction cup.

    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Very pretty – love the colors. Snow?…. It is strange for this AZ girl with 95 degree temperatures to think that some windows still overlook snow. Funny you should mention window sills – I just redid mine this past weekend and posted about it yesterday. Take a peek if you have a chance.

  5. Have to be honest so done seeing snow and thankfully as chilly as it has been we haven’t had anymore snow. That said, I love seeing the trees outside my window in bloom right now. We have one tree on the side of our house budding with pink blooms and absolutely beautiful. Look forward to it every spring!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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