Life Decisions
It’s tid bit Tuesday..that’s right sweet bloggy friends, it;s time for a little over sharing. When my AARP membership came a few years ago I never thought I’d use it for much. Truth is I get a lot of discounts when I flash that little red card
When you reach a certain age you start thinking about the future a lot more, not just about little red cards. But the big things like, health and wellness, money and where to retire. Last week my sweet hubby and I made a life changing decision ( hence the title of the post) and I love that I have the opportunity to use the word “hence”. We will be retiring in southern Michigan where my husband is from. This is HUGE! Mostly because our children and grandchildren live here in Utah where we live now.. But, we anticipate the move is still several years away and the children will be grown.
Will you be retiring where you live now? Do you even think of such things? Are you already retired? Am I asking to many questions
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yes…I’m thinking…I should move close to my daughter so it is convenient for her to check on me. This is what life has taught me after losing my mom in 2006. I was only 2 hours away but it was quite stressful.
Sounds like a great plan! Unfortunately I am still a ways away from being able to quit working off the farm, but I plan on spending the rest of my life right where I’m at!
Thanks Katherine…you are so kind! My husband and I have already retired (in our minds, anyway). Moving to Arizona 1 1/2 years ago was our BIG move. No more jobs…we’re just playing now while we work together flipping homes and as you know, refinishing furniture, resale and vintage markets, etc… Loving life! Best of luck to you and your hubby as you make plans for the big change!
We will have a three point retirement plan. One home in Maryland, where we live now. One home in Florida, we have a home on a beautiful beach and spend a few months each winter there. And one home in Colorado. I would love to spend the Summer months in the mountains. So two parts are in place. I am just waiting for DH to retire. He says soon very soon but he is a workaholic so I think soon is not as soon as I want it to be.
I’d have to have made some real money to actually retire, not that I’d ever want to give up writing anyway though.
So true, life decisions are present on my mind all the time now. We just signed up for our first AARP card! As much as I would love to be in a condo at the beach we don’t see that happening. Our income is going to drop drastically so we are now thinking of Las Vegas which would only be about 4 hours from our children and a place they don’t mind visiting. We want to get away from the very high costs in California. I happy to hear you have made a decision. One day you are 30 and then suddenly you are 60! I would have done things differently for sure but we live and learn.
That will be a beautiful place to retire to.
I still have about twelve years to go until retirement, but we are already talking about it. Will probably move further north when that happens. (I like cold weather.)
A big change indeed. I’m sure there will be an adjustment period, but in the end, it will likely be a good thing. No plans of packing up and moving when my husband retires…I’ve already retired; but one never knows what the future has in store.
Hubby retired at the beginning of this year. It’s a good thing we didn’t have plans to move, since we are now caring for our oldest son, which was not expected, or planned. Especially financially.
If I EVER get to retire it will be right here
Michigan looks lovely! =) Is that the State of 10,000 lakes? =)
Sounds like you will have a lovely time there!
I love Vintage Street Designs! =) Im their newest follower.
Exciting to think of retirement and the opportunity for you to move. All of our family lives close by and I couldn’t think of living any where but near them. Hope to be able to travel more in a few years, but always to live close by family.
Can’t wait to hear more
Hubby and I moved from CA to northern AZ 9 years ago and love it here. We are both retired (because of health issues) and wanted to get out of CA and find somewhere to live our retired years but didn’t know where we would end up. After much prayer God led us here, and the bonus is that both of my children live in Phoenix, about a 2-hr drive from us.
Here’s a little chuckle for you: when we were trying to figure out where to move, I told a couple of friends that we were considering this very area and said that I would love living closer to my children. She replied, “Yeah, we all do but then they decide to move elsewhere!”
Blessings to you!
You seem far too young to be talking about AARP cards and retiring
This is a topic that we have been discussing lately! I’d love to retire where it’s warmer, but having a disabled daughter- it might be more practical to move closer to where her specialist’s are- Albany, NY. It’s about a 2 hour drive there now, plus there are many more social and supportive opportunities for all of us there as well. I also don’t want to move too far away from our other kids and grandson!
My husband retired from the military after 26 years last year but continues to work as a contractor for the military. It’s funny where life will lead you and keep you. We are originally from Oregon but have settled with the intent to live here forevermore in Texas. Quite a difference! Our deciding factor was our children who have created their own lives here and we want to be near them. Our dream though is to own a summer home in the Northwest to escape our HOT summers! (“hence” why hubby is still working)! LOL!! Have a great day!~~Angela
Little over 10 years ago we decided to move out of city life and bought a double-wide mobile home along with an acre of land out in the country of which we will spend the rest of our days if God permits.
Even tho we are both in our mid 60’s we’re not retired yet. With the economy the way it is, just can’t afford to retire at this time.
No, you’re not asking 2 many questions
Yes there is a lot of things to think and plan
We retired 8 years ago. We decided to keep a home in the mountains of NC where some of our family lives and retire to Florida. Our kids are scattered all over the country so we traveled around to see where we would like to spend our time…doing the things we enjoy and that was Florida. We LOVE it! and still love spending time in the mountains, too. We are very blessed and our day to day life is what I blog about! It’s wonderful to plan early. Sweet hugs!
Sounds good. I lived most of my life in south Florida. We moved to North Carolina 23 years ago for many reasons, but with the intent to stay here. So, here we are and here we intend to stay.
We are a few years away from retiring, but we are heading to the Ozarks in MO this fall. I’m ready to buy my first house and settle down for the rest of my life. LOL
After visiting my daughter in the north during spring…and getting snow, I think there is no better place than where we live right now; Louisiana! Oh, unless perhaps Key West!!
Wow, that’s a big change! My husband retired from the Toronto Police 3 years ago and took a job at the provincial police college. That meant that we had to move from the Toronto area (BIG city) to a small town 3 hours away. I had to retire from my job and can’t do the same kind of job here in a small town. Big changes for us too – but I would never look back. The kids can still make it down for holidays and I’m close enough to head back to the city for family needs. Once Alan retires from the college, we’ll probably stay here and winter in the south somewhere.
Not quite there by any means, but I do know when that times comes I hope to retire to someplace warmer like Florida or Arizona, because the NY winters are no fun for me now let alone in about 30 years from now. I have to admit I complain a lot about winter now, so I can only imagine then how I will feel.
Good for you about making that decision and thanks for sharing it with us