fresh garden carrots Katherines Corner

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  1. HELLO! It’s Sharon and Denise over at BeBetsy….

    You’ve been FEATURED on the BeBetsy BRAG ABOUT IT No. 11. CONGRATS TO YOU!

    Our next party starts at midnight tonight so find something cool to BRAG ABOUT and link it up.

    Have a terrific day – stay cool in this heat – and take care. -xo

  2. Katharine – love the post this week and congrats on your first carrots! Have a wonderful Sunday..xo

    Sharon and Denise
    PS. thanks for sharing on BeBetsy Brag About It and always linking back – you’re a dear.

  3. I did learn a few things about carrots that I didn’t know, like where they got their color and when they came to North America. Carrots are super yummy and fun to grow. ;o)

  4. Your carrots look delicious Katherine! I must get to planting some in our garden – nothing like home grown! And thanks for all the carrot facts! Hat toppers indeed!! 🙂

  5. I did read some things I didn’t know, not that there’s much chance I’ll remember it. Lady, those are some beautiful, perfect looking carrots! Yum!

  6. Great info, Katie. I didn’t know a lot of these – especially how carrots got their colour. Something to remember the next time I buy some. I didn’t grow any in the garden this year because I wasn’t happy with last year’s yield – for some reason I didn’t get very many. I’ll give it another go next year.

    We picked lettuce last night too!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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