flowers in a pitcher

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  1. Lovely post Katie.

    It had brightens up my day. Yea am pretty down these few days. Nice to read this. Most time we plan but its God’s will that lead the way

  2. This post is a much needed post for me. Things have been very busy, in my life. But, I know that with God’s help, I can do all things . Thanks so much!

  3. What an absolutely sweet post. I have The Bouquet in my queue. I’ll have to watch it this weekend. Last weekend, my husband and I took a drive to the mountains. It was THE perfect time to just enjoy love, nature, and getting away from it all. Hope you have a lovely weekend. I’m dropping by from Our Everyday Harvest’s blog hop. I hope you can stop by.

  4. I have been a person to take time to enjoy life for a long time. It is really important for you health wise. This is a good post.

    I am visiting with Harvest of Friends.

  5. I was just thinking this morning that I wanted to unplug this weekend. I had a lot going on this week and I was glued to my phone because of some projects. Today is a beautiful day and I’m going to at least do the whole afternoon unplugged!

  6. This is great advice Katherine! We all need to be reminded of this. Although, I tend to unplug probably more often than not .-)). I don’t have one of those smart phones, so when I go out, I leave the phone behind too.

    And yes, when we are in a state of gratitude, everything becomes clearer and calmer.
    Have a wonderful weekend sweetie!

  7. So can we call you Katherine the Great?
    I unplugged at the beginning of June. Went on a 4 day fishing trip with 7 pals. No cell phone coverage, no computers, no TV or radio. We did have music on an iPod but just as background ambience. It was a real nice break. In fact it was GREAT!
    PS we did not unplug the fridge that kept our beer cold lol.

  8. Katherine,
    I thank you for this post. Today I was just too tired and busy watching my superhero grandson that I decided I would not post today and this week I chose not to link up to parties but to visit the blogs I like best. I really struggled with what it would “do” to my blog but I know my heath, and my time with my grandson are more important. Thanks for the reminder!
    Have an awesome weekend!
    The Adored Home

  9. Your post is lovely. I try to unplug and relax on the weekends ( being a Mom of a Special Needs child, I try to grab “my moments” when I can.. ) =)
    I havent watched “The Bouquet” yet, it sounds wonderful!
    Have a wonderful weekend! =)

Love each other as God loves you xo

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