talking to angels, angel wings

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  1. such a lovely happy blog, this one shines out into the world, we need more! blogging tips about security also very good, thanks for sharing!

  2. Great to find your blog Katherine, I love blog angels and thanks for the tps and cautionary note..and congrats on the followers, you deserve tham all xx

  3. Having worked on computers since 1974, the pace of change right now just amazes me.
    I have seen many changes and am finding it very hard to keep up as my 58th birthday looms just a couple of weeks away. No I am not a boffin, just your average Joe computer guy.

    Following yesterdays wonderful blog, I am not going to tell you about all the “black hats” who want your data. Just to encourage you to embrace this amazing cyber world we share but with caution. Make sure you use up to date security programs and be cautious of giving out too much personal information in public forums such as this. Identity theft is as big a threat as the bugs that some put in your system just to prove they can.

    I love the way you blog Katie, never too much and never too little a perfectly balanced blog that is an interesting read, well done!

    Take care my friend,

  4. yipeee!!!! A BIG WOW and congrats to u katie 20,000 followers on ur blog. That is amazing but u deserve it, u really do my forever friend! and thanks for the headsup on Mach 7 Enterprises i will definately use Tyson when i start my blog! gonna ask u 4 blog tips 2, love ya love ya love ya Katie, ur buddy @somerskys

  5. WOW, I am blown away, I coudn’t even DREAM of 20,00 followers! Congrats!!! Now a question…..could you redo my header for me and how much do you charge? I have no clue how to do it. You can e-mail me Thanks so much!!!!

  6. Congratulations on having 20,000 followers and wishing you many, many more in days to come.
    What a blessing for you in having such a wonderful earth angel as Tyson.
    You both Rock.
    Have a great day and a better day tomorrow

  7. Well what an angel you are!!! Thank God I have not been troubled by hackers…but this is really good to know and CONGRATS on 20,000 followers…that ROCKS and you deserve every single one!!! Sending hugs my friend and BIG HUGS to my friend Mr. Izzy!!!!

  8. That is awesome the number of followers and thank you for sharing this service with us. I am very careful to backup and do updates as they do come available, too. But you are right it is scary what can happen if you aren’t careful and how others could do harm to all our hard work. Again thanks for sharing. 🙂

  9. Congratulations on the massive number of followers! I don’t think I could feel personally connected to that many and I do like the personal connections I have with a number of my blog buds.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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