apple strudel rolls

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  1. Hey! I’m going to share this one on the Ruby blog in August . . . . then will need a few more for the autumn issue of the magazine. Got any favorites? Love, N

  2. Oh how simply delectable. I am picturing them with a nice scoop of ice cream fresh from the oven. Thank you for sharing at What’d You Do This Weekend.

    RE your question. I don’t know that I would boycott a store because A-they have something I need and B-it does punish the workers (probably not just little old me though). I would however make sure that the company knows my thoughts pretty loudly like on their Facebook page or a comment on their website.

  3. Katherine,
    Yum…these look delicious! I’m going to attempt a gluten free version…yes the apples are so sweet now!
    Thanks for the inspiration….
    As far as your question…I don’t think I’ve ever “boycotted” a company, but am always looking for companies to support whose values (set by the CEO or owner) match my family’s values. I think that the most powerful “vote” we have is with our pocketbook. Thank you and aloha, Lori

  4. Pinning this recipe. Interesting question. I lean toward boycotting. If they have those views, they probably are not very good to their employees either. The only way to change them is with the power of the dollar and make them rethink how they relate to people.

    1. Thank you Maureen I hope you enjoy it. I boycottt too it all started many years ago when a particular tuna brand wasn’t using dolphin safe nets. This question was sparked by a company owner who is discriminating. I appreciate your participation in the question Hugs

    1. Thank you Alex, I bet you would like them. Regarding the question, it was sparked by an incident in the news about a company owner discriminating against others. thank you for participating in the discussion, Hugs!

  5. Oh, and about your question… I never thought about it that way before..I think it may depend on the situation and how strongly I felt about the issue, but yeah, that’s something to think about!

  6. This looks delicious! We have a Dorsett Golden apple tree on our farm, and I bet I could put these rolls together and freeze them when the apples are in season. I wonder if it would work better to freeze them raw or baked? Will have to experiment. Yum!

    1. We don’t have any fruit trees so I envy you being able to pick them fresh. I never have any left to freeze, giggle. But I think already baked would probably be best . reheated in the oven ( no microwave) Hugs

  7. These look like a great snack for after school or to tuck into a lunch bag, Katie. Yum!

    As for your question: Unless the statement is against it’s own employees (ie: a comment about their lack of work ethic), then I feel everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Stupid things come out of people’s mouths all the time, CEO of a big organization or a mailman.

    1. perfect for after school with a cold glass of milk, yum!
      regarding the question, it was sparked by an incident in the news about a company owner discriminating against others. thank you for participating in the discussion, Hugs!

  8. Hi, that looks delicious! I agree with you on your last para, it’s good to be idealistic, but then reality kicks in and I think, oh hang on, this company employs thousands…..what would these people do if the company folded? People need jobs, even the low-paid ones because the outcome is so much worse if these jobs don’t exist.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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