pumpkin cookies recipe

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  1. Oh these look supper yummy. Seriously looking forward to trying them. I might have to use squash instead though as I’m currently out of pumpkin (I know so early in the season, but what do you do), and I’m not really a by the puree kind of girl.
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  2. Dear Katherine, Stacked and stuck together, or not, these look wonderful. I would love one with a glass of milk! And I know my family would enjoy these too. Stop by soon because I’m hosting a giveaway and I would love for you to be a part of it. Blessings, your friend, Catherine xo

    1. Catherine, thank you for your encouragement. Rats, I missed the giveaway ( sad face). I invite you to post your giveaways to my win it page. I always enjoy my visits to your delicious blog. Hugs!

  3. I like soft cookies, and I’m betting these smelled pretty great baking!

    These do sound like they’d be great with or without the chocolate.

  4. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Is it wrong that I think these are healthy because they have pumpkin in them? Lots of vitamins and fiber!

  5. I actually have a cookie scooper from Bed, Bath and Beyond that I use when I make cookies. Truly measures them perfectly. I actually also recently got rubbermaid set for measuring different size cupcakes perfectly, too recently. Love this, because it takes the guess work out completely. And pumpkin cookies are truly the best. Thanks for sharing your recipe here with us!! 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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