thursday favorite things blog hop

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  1. Hi Katherine ~ Thanks for hosting your party is always so full of good inspiration! Have a fabulous weekend!

  2. Hi Kathrine,
    I hate to be a nuisance, still having a ball visiting everybody.
    I need to ask you a very big favour, I am following you all ways I can except linkdin, for some reason I can’t get in there today, must be slow South African internet. I had to delete my blog yesterday, as it stopped working, so I have deleted it and just got a new one up, there is nothing there, at the moment, still need to get all my stuff up, but would you please go back if you have the time or the inclination and follow me again,
    Thank you so much, and thanks for the wonderful site and the hop.
    I hope that you have a fantastic day,
    Great big hug.
    Love and best wishes.

  3. Hi Katie….isn’t this just the best time to cook?? I am headed back to look at that acorn squash recipe! Thanks for hosting…

  4. Hi Katherine,
    Thanks for the hop, having a ball, always so many interesting thing’s
    I hope that you have a fantastic day and evening.
    Great big hug.
    Love and best wishes.

  5. I’m so enjoying your inspiration here! Thanks for hosting and putting all this together 🙂

    Today I’ve linked a recipe for Chicken Salad, a basic for a menu plan, along with some ideas for dressing it up. It’s also gluten-free, dairy-free and nut-free.

    Have a beautiful week!

  6. Thank you, for hosting this link-up! It is 9:30 p.m. in Denver and I am still working in my art studio. I am so thankful for the work! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!

  7. Hello Katherine,
    Thank you–as always–for hosting this great party. I loved your pumpkin cookie recipe and want to try it! Today I’m sharing Lasagna Rolls with Basil Cream. (that happen to be gluten and dairy free!) Have a great week and aloha, Lori

Love each other as God loves you xo

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