autumn gift

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  1. How I wish that Autumn would a bit longer than winter. Than I could have enjoying this lovely unique melancholy moment more.. The fresh scent of those falling wet leaves, beautifull colors surrounded, starting lighting spices candles on the windows, the-long-cooked-shimmer-beef-soup what a wonderfull season of the year! Warm hugs to you

    1. dreamy…….Cindy your comment makes me smile and although winter is knocking at the door your Autumn description makes me long for a few more amber colored days. Have a great week! Hugs!

  2. I am a cold weather person. Just moved to upstate NY 6 months ago from 20 yrs of living in the deep south of Alabama. Loving the cooler weather, love the snow etc. ANYWAYS-lovely blog you have and thanks for stopping by my blog. Blessings

  3. On the prairies of Saskatchewan we have already had quite a few frosty nights and a couple of mornings where we woke to a dusting of snow. Autumn here, like spring, is brief or sometimes passes in a few days as we fall from summer headlong into winter. I don’t like the rain despite the good it does us, I will settle for -20 degrees or more if the sun shines and the roads stay dry.

  4. Oh, yes, I am definitely thankful for autumn! Not only do I love the much cooler weather and fall colors, but fall signals the end of the summer monsoons in our area which cause me migraines 24/7. Ahhhh, autumn! Love, love, love it!


  5. Hi! I, too, love fall. Unfortunately ours is not as pretty as some as northern states (we live in south Texas) Regardless, I appreciate it fully and give all glory to Him above for the changing of the seasons–we need it!
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    Have a wonderful day!

  6. Autumn is lovely…it is what follows it that makes me depressed. I truly dislike…no I can say it…I hate winter. Snow…cold…wind…I don’t like them at all. So I’m trying to enjoy the last few days before winter takes over.


    1. Suzanne, time to get a few sweaters ready my friend. I actually enjoy the winter too. 🙂 My husband looks forward to the true winter so he can go ice fishing. But the time between now and then is not his favorite either. I like the snow, the wind all of it, giggle. I hope you continue to enjoy the Autumn whilke its here. xo

  7. We have two more days of Autumn and then Winter is scheduled to take its place. Drats. I have absolutely been in love with our weather the past two weeks – exceptionally fall-ish!

    1. Barb we are neighbors. The temps have dropped a bit already today and KUTV weather said possible dusting of snow today. But I am still smiling. Because I love the cooler temps, giggle. Hugs!

  8. I actually love the summer, but the autumn definitely has some great perks (anything pumpkin flavored doesn’t hurt), but I am so not looking forward to the winter by any means. Sorry, but I hate to be cold. Hav a great weekend now though, Katie 🙂

    1. Giggle, my husband loves the summer too. He is not a huge fan of the cold unless it includes ice fishing. He has grown to tolerate my need for a chill in the air over the years. Hoping your week is a sweet one. xo

  9. Hi sweet Katy. It seems that more and more of us think of Autumn as our favourite season. Loved this post. We don’t get the scorching summer temps that you get over there – thankfully! Enjoy this season my friend and be thankful for it.

    1. How lovely to see your comment my friend. I know in England scorching heat is rare. Days at the seaside always meant having a cardigan with us, giggle.I do love the rainy days there though. I am hoping rain makes its way to us soon. xo

  10. I adore the cooler weather. I don’t sweat very gracefully and the heat wears me out. I’d much rather add extra clothes to stay warm than not be able to take enough off to be cool.

  11. I love Autumn time, though it has been a bit more rainy here than I’d like. I prefer when it’s dry and a little brisk to enjoy the colours of Autumn and go for a walk, but it’s raining a bit more just now, So, I’m indoors warming up with tea and things. I hope you enjoy it & have a gorgeous weekend x

Love each other as God loves you xo

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