lactose free sour cream and chive potato soup recipe

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  1. This sounds so good! I, unfortunately, have become lactose intolerant in the last few years. This is right up my alley! Thanks for sharing the recipe, and I teamed up with the Tumbleweed Contessa for What’d You Do This Weekend and featured this post 🙂 Have a great night!


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  3. Hi Katherine,
    This sounds yummy! Unfortunately my son can’t have lactose free milk so I’m going to experiment with cashew cream. Thanks for the inspiration! Aloha, Lori

  4. Thank you, Rafflecopter, for picking my number! I will put that Pampered Chef pot to good use! And thanks for this delicious recipe. I’m allergic to casein in dairy, so will substitute almond milk and see how that works.

  5. Hi Katherine,
    This sounds yum, if I make for hubby it will have to have full cream milk in it, but I am sure that it will still be yummy, so thank you. Will try it for supper tonight.
    I hope that you have a wonderful day.
    Love and best wishes.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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