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  1. Hi Katherine
    In Australia we had our Remembrance day on Monday – poppies sold and a minutes silence at 11am. In the UK it is Remembrance Sunday. So important the statement ‘Lest we forget’
    Thank you for your blog of Remembrance

    1. In deed my friend, we use poppies also here in the US too. I mentioned in another comment that Australia,Barbados,St. Lucia,Canada,India,Kenya,Mauritius,New Zealand,South Africa,United Kingdom,Northern Ireland,Bermuda,France and Belgium,Germany,Hong Kong,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Netherlands,Poland and United States all have Veterans Day ( Armed Forces Day Remembrance Day) xo

  2. I forgot to mention, I knew about Memorial Day, which I thought was your day to remember. Do you have two days in the year?

  3. Katherine, thank you for your post. I didn’t realize that Americans celebrated Veterans Day. I, too, wrote a post for this day. In Canada, we call it Remembrance Day. So important to remember those who fought so we could live in peace. What a sacrifice! How much we owe them and their families. Hugs.

    1. It used to be called armistice day here in the USA. Australia,Barbados,St. Lucia,Canada,India,Kenya,Mauritius,New Zealand,South Africa,United Kingdom,Northern Ireland,Bermuda,France and Belgium,Germany,Hong Kong,Ireland,Israel,Italy,Netherlands,Poland and the United States all have Armed Forces Day,Remembrance Day or Veterans Day. Hugs back to you my friend.

  4. Hi Katherine,
    Thank you for the reminder about how special this day is. I have deep gratitude for our veterans–my Dad and dear Uncle included…Much aloha, Lori

  5. So true about Veteran’s Day. My dad is a veteran from Vietnam era and my grandfathers and great-uncles were from WWII, so this day I always feel is truly about that and so thankful for the fact that they gave up a part of their lives to serve to keep us safe.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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