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  1. These are unique and delightful!!

    As for growing our own food and preserving it, I think it’s becoming trendy and making a comeback (knock on wood). 🙂

  2. Thank you so much Katherine for featuring me!! I want to apologize for my delayed response – I was outside raking leaves all day (it was a beautiful day here in Michigan).
    Thanks again so much!!

  3. I was trying to figure out the name Gourdonville when I hopped over. I love these gourds and will go over to check out her shop. Thank you for featuring others on your blog.
    Have a blessed week, Ginger

  4. Hi Katherine,
    I hope that you are well.
    I just want to say thank you for this and I have spread the word in as many ways as I can, but could not put it on Pinterest, it kept on telling me the Picture was to small,so apologize for that.
    I hope that you have a wonderful day.
    Great big hug from me.
    Love and best wishes.

    1. Anne, you are such a sweetie, thank you. Not sure why the photo didn’t work, sorry. You can grab it from my katherines corner pinterest board if you like. Thank you so much for sharing xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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