making happy memories

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  1. Whew, I’d rather paint nails than run from boys with waterguns (those little boys are fast, I know from firsthand experience!). Glad you got to visit all of the baby grands at once. I know you were floating on Cloud 9. 🙂

  2. They are so precious, am really happy you got to have a wonderful time with your grandchildren :)) So sweet and blessed. I hope the weekend is wonderful doll xx

  3. First off – you look waaaaay too young to have 5 grandkids Katie!!! It sure looks like you had loads of fun. I only have one 2-year-old granddaughter and she is my whole world. She is taking a nap as I’m writing here after having a day fulfilled with exploring grandma’s garden, watching birds, squirrels and butterflies, then helping me pick and wash vegetables. She loves helping in the kitchen, stirring, mixing, seasoning and of course spilling and making a mess, but I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂 Grandkids are the biggest blessing there is. Love to you and your little ones.

  4. What a blessed family – this weekend nothing much is planned except a little cleaning and hanging outside enjoying the weather. Perhaps an evening dinner by the Riverfront on Saturday.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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