make it monday week forty three

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  1. Thanks for this pretty feature, you are a true friend! Will put it in my feature section
    XOXO Maria

  2. Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration! And thanks so much for featuring my Slow Cooker Guinness Steak and Black Bean Chili and my Brown Sugar Banana Snack Cake, I’m delighted to be included!

  3. I am in such great company! Thank you so much for featuring my Crisp and Clean tablescape. Have a happy week!

  4. Oh my – I am literally drooling over the foods (delish!) and tablescapes (candy for the eyes). Right up my alley, any and all of them! Have a wonderful week, Katherine – I’m turning my back on winter for good! Higher temps and spirits are my plans for the week.

  5. Thank you so much for featuring my bird feeding squirrel!!
    PS – I placed your feature button on my sidebar, at the bottom of the post & on my hop page – Thanks again!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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