make it monday week forty eight

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  1. Thank you so much for featuring my muffins! I am embarrassed it took me so long to get here this week…so many computer problems! My hard drive crashed. 🙁 But I do so appreciate the feature! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  2. Where does a person start? So many delicious looking/sounding recipes and fantastic projects. I’ll have to come back when it’s not so late to peruse all of it. Too many for me now. Will be back, great blog hop, love them. Find blogs never heard of and wonderful things on them.
    Happy Spring and week. Our Spring would be perfect if not for gale force winds every day for weeks now. Hope it quits soon as oldest son is coming on 23rd. to put new roof on our house. Not good if wind blowing, good thing he’s a big guy.

  3. Great choices today! Just wish your type was easier to read…just a bit light for my old eyes. Love reading your blog!!

  4. Yay for spring coming and we too have had some gorgeous weather here off and on, as well. Wishing you another wonderful week here! xoxo 😉

  5. Hi Katie – So many wonderful projects and recipes – thank you so much for including my Bursting with Blooms wreath! Hope you have a happy Monday and a fantastic week. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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