Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 191
Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 191
It’s time for the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop 191 and I can’t wait to see what you link up this week.My favorite thing this week is… This little tiny blueberry bush, a gift from my daughter and son in law for Mothers Day. It’s rather unremarkable right now but it will be six feet high when it is fully grown. I look forward to the promise of fresh blueberries. Are you growing any fruit in your garden?
Welcome to the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop! You can link your favorite post of the week. Or write a post about your favorite things and share it with old and new followers. This hop is hosted and posted on 6 different blogs! Please follow ALL of your hostesses. Your link will appear on the blogs of Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40, Vintage Mamas Cottage, All That’s Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings by Debi.
We invite you to Grab a Hop Button for your blog (just copy and paste with a link back)
• PLEASE DO NOT link and run, please visit and comment on at least two of the links ahead of you. This simple act of kindness will result in a much more satisfying blog hop experience ♥
• Please link to your post and not to your blog home page.Yes you can link giveaways (they are everyone’s favorite thing).
• Please remember to post no more than 3 links.
• No adult content blogs.
• No links directly to your shops or websites selling things/services please! (sorry they will be removed)
♥ Optional- Link back on your post and/or Grab the hop button .
Please leave comments when you visit, let them know you are visiting from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop . I invite you to add your giveaways to Katherines Giveaways Page too!
Adding your link to this blog hop gives Katherine and her hostesses permission to share your posts and pictures via social media, pinterest and as a Make It Monday feature on Katherines Corner.♥
♥ Please Follow Your hostesses ♥
♥ Katherines Corner, Over 50 Feeling 40 ,Vintage Mamas Cottage, All Thats Jas, What Erika Wears and Surroundings By Debi ♥
Lets Share and HOP ♥
Please add Katherines Corner to your google plus circle
Thanks, Katherine, for hosting this lovely party…it’s amazing! I’ve placed your button in my sidebar, and I’ll definitely be back. I hope you will come party with us at the Home Matters Linky Party — the Door is Open.
Life With Lorelai
What a lovely gift! I can imagine the memories your grand children will have picking *eating* all the blueberries off the bush! Very sweet! Thank you for hosting, Katherine! Enjoy your weekend!
New party for me – Joanne T Ferguson was the one who promoted this. Would love to receive notifications from you for upcoming link parties. I visited others. The Patriotic ornaments were fab. My e-mail is: Thank you.
Welcome, so happy to have you join in the fun. Hugs!
Thanks Katherine for hosting this great party! Pinned and shared and hope you will join me at my party on Saturday!
I tried growing fruit last year in my garden, but it was a major fail. I think I got two blackberries the whole year. This year, I am sticking with mainstream veggies to give me a boost in confidence
Thanks for hosting the link up! 
Wow! Thanks so much for pointing me to your bloghop! It’s huge…
It’s my first time visiting your blog but I definitely will be back!
Hello Katherine! Thanks for hosting another great party! Have an awesome weekend!
HI Katherine, I love the pretty blueberry plant that your daughter gave you and had no idea it grows that tall. Thanks for hosting another great party and I Hope you join ours early Monday Morning too. have a great weekend, Lisa at Concord Cottage
Thanks for hosting !
HI Katherine! Thanks so much for inviting me over to your lovely party!!!! What great entries. Now I’m off to do some visiting!!!
thanks for another opportunity to share my work Katherine! Your link up is so popular over 400 links fantastic!
Thanks so much for hosting, Katherine.
Hi Katherine,
Thanks for hostessing this blog party again.
Yael from Home Garden Diggers
Thanks for hosing Katherine. Hope you have a fabulous week!
Happy Thursday!
Thanks so much for hosting this amazing party each week
We plan on having a garden this year but will just have veggies. I already have green onions growing on my kitchen window sill and a few pots of herbs outside. Looking forward to all the delicious things you’ll make with your blueberries. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!
Hi, I linked up an important post today. I hope you can take the time to read it.
http://www.maryanderingcreatively. com /joining-the-alzheimers-association-longest-day/
I am trying to attract bloggers to this cause and calling for everyone to blog about Alzheimer’s Awareness on June 21. Thanks for your support.
Hello gorgeous! Love to party with you each week! Please stop by our party . We pin and tweet everything! Lou Lou Girls
I WISH I could have a garden with fruit and herbs. I live in an apartment so it isn’t really feasible
I did get an email saying that one of my favorite orchards’ blackberry patch was ready to pick! I can’t wait to go.
Southern Elle Style
I live on 130 acre blueberry farm…does that count?;) Thanks for hosting the linky!
Hi Katherine. What a lovely party you have here! It’s always a great pleasure to visit your beautiful site, it makes me feel like home. Have a wonderful day.
Thank you for another wonderful party Katherine. I can’t believe it’s 191 parties already. Congratulations.
Hugs my friend
Thanks so much Katherine for hosting another party full of ideas. Jo
Thanks for hosting, Katherine!
Thanks for the fun party Katherine. Love your blueberry bush
Hi Katherine!
My first time here! Thank you for the opportunity for a new blogger to link up!
Love your blueberry bush, can’t wait to see how fast it grows. We just planted rhubarb.
Have a wonderful weekend! Kimberley
Good morning Kimberley, so happy to have you join in the fun. I look forward to our bloggy friendship nd I hope you will share your rhubabrb progress too xo
OOOOH!! Blueberries. My favorite! Growing up my grandparents had a whole blueberry patch. Rows and rows of blueberry trees. I have such memories of picking them with my sister. We’d freeze them and use them all year. Enjoy your tree! What a great gift.
Katey I am so happy that this blueberry bush sparked such a wonderful memory. Thank you for sharing with me and for joining in the fun too. xo
Thank you for the party Katherine! Hope you have a wonderful week!
Happy weekend wishes Laurie. Thank you for joining in the fun xo
Hi Katherine, thanks for hosting again! Great link up with so many awesome posts linked up! Looking forward to checking out some new stuff
Good morning Alexis, so happy to see you joining in Big Hugs!
Such a wonderful crowd. Glad to join you
So happy to see you joining in again dear one xo
Thank you for hosting a wonderful party! Have a wonderful day!
Hello sweetie, thank you for joining in the fun ♥
Thank you so much for hosting another round of great link ups! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!! xx
My pleasure Ashleigh, always happy to see you join in the fun xo
I don’t a green thumb at all so I wouldn’t even attempt to plant a blueberry tree but the idea of enjoying fresh blueberries from your garden is very tempting.
Give it a try my friend, you never know xo
Thank you for another beautiful week!
Sweet Robin it is always a joy to see you here xo
I would love a blueberry bush! What a nice gift they gave you! It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Hello Ana, I know I am so excited. Enjoy the hop xo
What a sweet gift! I am a terrible gardener, but maybe I could convince Ogre to grow me some berries.
hello old friend so happy to see you stopping by.I believe you could get him to plant one for you ♥
Thanks so much for hosting Katie (and friends!)
Thank you for joining in the fun Diana xo
Thanks so much for the party!
you are welcome my friend., It;s one of my favorite things xo
Thank you Katherine and Friends for Thursday Favorite Thing 191. Always a pleasure to visit.
loving having you, big hugs!
What a lovely blueberry bush! I think it’s going to look spectacular when it gets big!
me too! I’m so excited xo
Thanks for the fun party Katherine and enjoy the rest of the week!
my pleasure, thank you for joining in the fun Hugs!
I love the idea of having a blueberry bush, heaven knows I eat enough blueberries! Just think of the lovely scones you will be able to make. I’m sure you must have a delicious gluten free/dairy free recipe!
Bless your heart, I sure do. I think I need to put it on my must share list xo
Thanks for the party Katherine! How nice to have a blueberry bush!
always happy to have you join in. I’m very excited about this little bush xo
Aw, love your blueberry bush and most definitely can see how this is a favorite thing indeed!! xoxo
I am hoping our recent hail storms haven’;t damaged it. I am so excited about fresh blueberries xo