thursday favorite things blog hop 191

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  5. Thanks, Katherine, for hosting this lovely party…it’s amazing! I’ve placed your button in my sidebar, and I’ll definitely be back. I hope you will come party with us at the Home Matters Linky Party — the Door is Open. 🙂

    Life With Lorelai

  6. What a lovely gift! I can imagine the memories your grand children will have picking *eating* all the blueberries off the bush! Very sweet! Thank you for hosting, Katherine! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I tried growing fruit last year in my garden, but it was a major fail. I think I got two blackberries the whole year. This year, I am sticking with mainstream veggies to give me a boost in confidence 🙂 Thanks for hosting the link up! 🙂

  8. HI Katherine, I love the pretty blueberry plant that your daughter gave you and had no idea it grows that tall. Thanks for hosting another great party and I Hope you join ours early Monday Morning too. have a great weekend, Lisa at Concord Cottage

  10. We plan on having a garden this year but will just have veggies. I already have green onions growing on my kitchen window sill and a few pots of herbs outside. Looking forward to all the delicious things you’ll make with your blueberries. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  11. Hi, I linked up an important post today. I hope you can take the time to read it.

    http://www.maryanderingcreatively. com /joining-the-alzheimers-association-longest-day/

    I am trying to attract bloggers to this cause and calling for everyone to blog about Alzheimer’s Awareness on June 21. Thanks for your support.

  12. I WISH I could have a garden with fruit and herbs. I live in an apartment so it isn’t really feasible 🙁 I did get an email saying that one of my favorite orchards’ blackberry patch was ready to pick! I can’t wait to go.

    Southern Elle Style

  13. Hi Katherine. What a lovely party you have here! It’s always a great pleasure to visit your beautiful site, it makes me feel like home. Have a wonderful day.

  14. Thank you for another wonderful party Katherine. I can’t believe it’s 191 parties already. Congratulations.
    Hugs my friend

  15. Hi Katherine! 🙂
    My first time here! Thank you for the opportunity for a new blogger to link up!
    Love your blueberry bush, can’t wait to see how fast it grows. We just planted rhubarb.
    Have a wonderful weekend! Kimberley

  16. Pingback: Dumpster Diving
  17. OOOOH!! Blueberries. My favorite! Growing up my grandparents had a whole blueberry patch. Rows and rows of blueberry trees. I have such memories of picking them with my sister. We’d freeze them and use them all year. Enjoy your tree! What a great gift.

  18. I love the idea of having a blueberry bush, heaven knows I eat enough blueberries! Just think of the lovely scones you will be able to make. I’m sure you must have a delicious gluten free/dairy free recipe!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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