make it monday week 56

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  1. Thanks so much for featuring my wrench frame! Love the features. I hope your water situation gets resolved soon. Thanks for hosting 🙂

  2. So sorry to hear about your water situation. I hope it is resolved quickly. Thanks so much for featuring my post. Have a lovely week!

  3. Aww Katherine, I love Mondays when I see your email, I always know that I will find wonderful things in your post. The White Chocolate Scones, caught my eye, but they are all wonderful!!

    Hope you enjoy your week!
    Sending Hugs Your Way!

  4. So sorry about all that is going on with the water situation and hope they have it fixed sometime this week for you all. Fingers crossed and saying some prayers, too. Wishing you a wonderful week ahead now xoxo 😉

    1. It is really frustrating. It was announced on the news this morning that now our adjacent city is also under a boil notice. That is’ now over 50,000 people who have been in harms way :-(. They also said on the news it may not be until Thursday that we can safely shower, wash and ingest the water ..sigh. Happy Monday, giggle xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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