make it monday the best diy,recipe , home decorand inspirational blogs to.inspire your menu, home decor,style and creativity at katherines corner

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  1. Thanks for featuring me on your blog (week 2)! It has been a blast discovering new blogs & potential friends as well as dropping in on a few friend’s blogs too!
    From Boots Shoes And Fashion

  2. Thank you so much Katherine for the wonderful shout out! I’m flattered and honored and have to say, it made my whole day:)

    And can I say, it was a particularly inspiring week! Great recipes, and I loved Designthusiasm’s tablescape as well as that creeping phylox! I’ve never seen it grown like that – it looks amazing!


  3. Oh my gosh! The features today are so wonderful. I love each one. Thank you for hosting the blog hop each week.

  4. O MY!! Thanks so much for featuring my post!! I will be giving you a Shout Out on Google + and in my next post!! Thanks again!! What an honor!!


Love each other as God loves you xo

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