between the lines week 7

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  1. Thanks for featuring more fabulous bloggers. I hope you keep the Google+ group. It’s easiest for me to connect with everyone from there than going over to individual blogs.

  2. Hi Katie – read and commented on all the posts. Great group of bloggers. Thanks for hosting this series. I am still getting page views from my week!

  3. Katherine, thankyou so much for allowing me the opportunity to be involved in this wonderful series. It’s truly been an honour and a pleasure. Love, Mimi xxx

  4. I’m loving this series! Thank you so much for creating it. Having fun getting to know new people. It’s fun to see so many other women near my age who are embracing blogging.

  5. Aw, as always love getting to know the fabulous bloggers you share here in this space and thank you again for another wonderful edition today. Happy Tuesday now, Katie xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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