between the lines week 8

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  1. Loved reading about these ladies and will definitely visit their blogs! Thanks again, Katie on another great series!

  2. This is my favorite series! I spend some time a few days ago, reading the posts I had missed. I love meeting new bloggers in this age group! What amazing women…each and every one! I’ve had fun ‘visitin’! Thanks girlfriend! Hugs, Diane

  3. Thank you for including me in this awesome group of women! Even more, thanks for highlighting this demographic, which is underserved and ignored by brands. That makes no sense, especially since we’re the wealthiest demographic in history. Brenda

  4. Loved reading all of the wonderful answers to the questions….and yes, I agree with Suzanne…sometimes so hard to capture the perfect sunset…love sunrises and sunsets. Glad to meet many bloggers here at your “between the lines”

  5. Thanks for the intro to these fabulous ladies Katherine!!
    For this week and next, I had to change around my blogging schedule, so I added the link to your series on Wednesday’s post!!
    I’ve really enjoyed meeting many of these women I hadn’t discovered. I’d only interacted with mostly the fashion blogging community, so it’s been nice to branch out!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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