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  1. It was over 90 here in the Midwest as well! That Snickers Ice Cream cake would be perfect for a warm, summer day. Just to let you know, I notified Diane and Mamal Diane that I was unsuccessful signing up for her email subscription to follow her. I tried at least six times and I never received an email confirmation. Hers was the only blog in the list that to which I had trouble subscribing. Hope you have a wonderful, less hot, week 🙂

    1. We are sharing the same weather Susan, 99 here it utah today. Sorry for the trouble on Mamal Diane’s blog. I’ll see what is wrong. I’ll let you know when it is fixed. HUGs

      1. Thanks so much for such a quick response! I’ve tried it again twice this morning and it seems to go through but the window that pops up says my email needs to be verified and response to the email I should receive shortly. I never get the email! I’ve even checked to make sure I’ve entered it properly and also checked my spam folder. Nothing! All of the others I subscribed to I received very prompt email verification. Thanks again 🙂

Love each other as God loves you xo

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