Independence Day Safety
Independence Day Safety-
Independence Day is on Monday and most of us will be starting the holiday weekend today. Many will be having barbecues, going camping, heading to the seaside and enjoying the fireworks displays. Hubby and I can see fireworks presentations from three different cities from where we live. We don’t even have to go outside. We just watch through the window in the guest room. Did you know it is our country’s 240th birthday? This Independence Day I want you and those you love, to have fun and stay safe. So I am sharing some steps you can use for planning ahead.
Basic Safety for a day in the sun–
Wear sunscreen, wear a hat, Stay Hydrated, reapply sunscreen every hour or two (see the bottle for recommended applications.) Stay Hydrated. Never turn your back on the ocean, literally. Always face the waves, etc. it only takes a moment for a little wave to become a strong wave. Swim with a buddy; wear a life vest, swim in pools or bodies of water that are supervised by lifeguards whenever possible. Find a shady place to get out of the sun throughout the day and make sure you have a first aid kit. Remember not everyone is as considerate as you are and there are plenty things out there to step on etc. Water shoes are a great help when you don’t know what’s in the water. But you can still be injured by something you can’t see. Stay Hydrated.
At the parade or large gathering area,Basic safety applies as well as being aware of your surroundings- Sadly our world has us all on alert. Be aware of any unattended bag, box etc. If you see anything or anyone that looks suspicious stay calm and alert the authorities. Stay Hydrated.
Basic first aid is at your fingertips- While you’re enjoying the holiday, accidents can happen. Download the free Red Cross First Aid App to put expert advice for everyday emergencies at your fingertips. The app is available for smart phones and tablets and can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play for Android app stores.
Food safety-I created a list called the 4 K’s you can see the post by clicking here.
Your fireworks display-
Have a bucket of water and a hose ready when using fireworks at home. Be aware at all times when children are present. Never point a firework towards anyone. Sparklers are loads of fun but small children should not hold, light or handle any fireworks or sparklers. According to national statistics, “more than 30 percent of firework injuries are from sparklers and 40 percent of these injuries each year happen to children.” Watch the children closely; it only takes a moment to change a fun event into an emergency room situation.Place all used fireworks in a bucket of water.
Your for legged family member-
Independence Day has so many fun activities to enjoy. It’s fun for us but, unfortunately our four legged family members, get very upset. The high-pitched squeals and the noises of fireworks can be extremely scary time for pets. According to Salt Lake County Animal Services, “nationally more pets run away on the Fourth of July than any other day of the year. In Utah, fireworks are allowed three days before and after July 4 and July 24, making the whole month an extremely busy time for animal control officers.” Take your pet for walks etc. before dark when the fireworks begin. Don’t take your pets to the firework displays. Make sure your pet has a “safe place” when you leave them at home. Sounds like the television or radio can help to mask the sounds of the fireworks too. Cuddle them and reassure them. Izzy is micro chipped in case he ever gets lost. Animals that would never “run away” will bolt out of their safe environment looking for better “cover”, so it is best to keep them home. Stay Hydrated is for your pet too. Never give your dog an alcohol drink .
Be a responsible driver-
We try and avoid the high traffic area during large celebrations. I tell our granddaughter, “you have to drive for everyone else on the road too”, which basically means, watch for drivers who are speeding, serving, drifting from lane to lane, on a cell phone, etc. Stay in the slow lane and be aware. If you plan to be drinking, assign a designated driver, or take advantage of your public transportation. Our city has a ride for free program. It allows those who have been drinking to call and get a ride home, with no questions asked. Check your city for a similar service. This is not what I mean about Stay Hydrated ( wink).
Okay this ended up being a very long post. Once I started things just kept “sparking” in my brain. If I missed anything please leave it in the comments area. Have a fun and safe holiday weekend. Just a reminder, that I will be sharing make it Monday on Tuesday this week. So I can spend time with my lovely family for the long weekend.Be safe have fun and I look forward to reading your 4th of July posts. You can still link up to the link party!
Great reminders, thanks.
Great tips, Mrs. Katherine! If people get sunburned fill a tub with water that is comfortable to touch and add a big box of baking soda. Orange Box.
It will neutralize the skins Ph and pull the burn out of the sunburn. It will still pink or red and may be itchy. Aloe Vera helps restore Ph too.
This advice was given to me by a friends mom, a doctor. Hawaiian sun burned me to the point of blistering and I had a heat rash to top it off. The baking soda trick did wonders for the pain.
Love you! Have a great weekend.
Good tips! Have a great day!
Great post!
Such great reminders! And I love the pic of Izzy!
All great tips and reminders Katherine!