Holiday Peppermint
Holiday Peppermint-
The flavors of the holidays are everywhere right now and the holiday aromas have my nose on hyper sniff, wink. The warm spice of cinnamon, soothing aroma of fresh sugar cookies baking, the cool and refreshing peppermint. My spice mocha scentsy ( warmer for wax fragrance tarts) have all alerted my taste buds. I can’t indulgent in any of them, so I let my taste buds live vicariously through all of the “scent-sational” holiday treats. We all know we eat first with our eyes and that fragrance has a huge impact on the way something tastes too. I indulge in things I can, like my blueberry muffins or sugar free apple roll. I’ll share that with you. But Peppermint, ahh peppermint, I remember you well. It is the theme this week! So sit back and enjoy some of the peperminty goodness shared last week. These are only a few of the delicious holiday peppermint treats shared. There are several more. I hope you will take a minute and visit all of them. Let your taste-buds dance! Well maybe not dance but they will stand at attention while you dance.
Peppermint layer cake! shared by Our Table of Seven
Peppermint cheesecake bites shared by I Dig Pinterest
Peppermint tree toppers shared by a Thoughtful Place
Peppermint White Russian shared by Home Cooking Memories
Nepa Mom found 30 peppermint treats to share!
What is your favorite Holiday Treat?
Not familiar with Monday inspirations? No problem here’s the scoop. Monday inspirations has taken the place of Make It Monday. Still inspiring us in a zillion ways but with one very fun twist. I will select a theme, but when you share your posts you won’t know the theme I have selected, aha a little mystery! Then I will share some of your wonderful posts. I will still be featuring a few other selected posts at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop link party too. Just a reminder that all of the photos belong to their respective blogs unless otherwise indicated. Please pin from the source to assure bloggers are getting the credit they deserve.
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I would have to try them all to decide on my favorite
After a couple Peppermint White Russians, everything tastes great.
Love peppermint here and actually just posted late last week my White Chocolate Peppermint Bark recipe (which is one of my all-time favorites during this time of the year). Now, I will have to check out a few more that you shared here. Thanks Katie and Happy Monday xoxo <3