popular Thursday blog hop

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  1. Pingback: No Resolutions
  2. Do you mean that you will be going live on your blog or on Facebook? I love the posts shared on organization; I amp these efforts up every January and try my best to continue throughout the year! It always feels so fantastic! Happy 2017 sweet friend and THANK YOU SO MUCH for the kind Christmas gift handbag that you surprised me with. So very kind of you!!!!! xoxo

  3. Hello my sweet friend . . . . I finally have the NEW blog up and running, but there is still so much I want to do over there. Here’s the new URL: http://vintagemamascottage.com/

    I added a couple of links this week and hopefully by next week I’ll have a few new posts to share. Thanks for your patience while I tried to sort this out! I’m busy, busy, busy creating new projects to share on the new and improved Vintage Mama’s Cottage!

    Hugs, Nina

  4. My SIL posted a few FB Live videos on her page before Christmas and my daughter had so much fun watching them, we had to make our own. It was amazing to see how many people watched and enjoyed our video and now I’ve had all sorts of requests to do it for the blog. The only thing is, I’d just grabbed the computer and filmed a very ordinary slice of life for the other one, but I’d want a more professional video for the blog, you know?

  5. Pingback: No Resolutions

Love each other as God loves you xo

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