almost sugar free cinnamon rolls

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  1. Well these DO look good and I definitely like the ingredient list. I’ve tried the baking splenda and find it works quite well and tastes good but have never tried the brown sugar substitute. I’ll be pinning this recipe for sure!

  2. Hello Sweetie – thanks for stopping by my blog . . . . you got there before I updated this morning. I added your shop banner to the front page at Vintage Mama’s Cottage as well as on the RUBY blog. I’m off to visit some other bloggers from last week’s hop (it was a VERY busy weekend and early part of this week so far!), just as soon as I get my post ready to go in the morning for this week’s hop. Oh, and I guess I better finish the RUBY magazine for May if I want it to be ready by Monday. Let me know if you have anything you want me to feature or promote – I’ll include the shop banner again but anything else, just let me know. Love, Nina

    1. my pleasure. I’m trying to figure out how to make cream puff’s or eclairs next. So far things are not looking good. Eclairs without chocolate and cream puffs without cream, LOL I’m a big dreamer xo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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