piece of cake on white plate katherines corner

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  1. Sounds yummy! I pinned it! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 8, this party will be open until January 26.

  2. Yum, this coffee cake looks delicious. I have never tried to bake with sugar substitute, but I am giving this a try.
    Happy New Year,

  3. I always loved coffee cake and reminds me of my grandmother as she would always have coffee cake in her home when I was a kid. Your recipe totally brings me back and may need to try now. Thanks for sharing and hugs my friend xoxo <3

  4. In your directions you don’t mention adding in the Splenda to the cake ingredients so I assume you add it into the flour mixture.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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