i write prayers katherines corner

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  1. I used to keep journals…

    But I had issues, I got rid of it… I don’t know what came over me.

    I’m definitely going to start another.

    This is my first time on this blog tho’


  2. I don’t, but I have looked for, and found, books that are prayers by women. You could consider publishing them someday, it isn’t selfish, sometimes I don’t know how to put some thoughts into words, and seeing and praying others’ prayers feels so good. I

  3. I think that is an awesome idea , bless you , and what you do , i don’t write mine down , but now that i read this , it’s a wonderful idea. Thank you , and Praise God.

  4. For many years, I have had a journal going of conversations with the Lord… where I share my heart and seek His will. What a joy to spend that time with Him laying my burdens at His feet…. and you are right that reading back through them is encouraging as I see what I was so concerned about at that time and I hadn’t even remembered it! As we are raising our kids, there are so many times that we recognize that the job is beyond us, yet He leads us day by day.

  5. Prayers. I believe in the power of prayer. My son was killed 4 weeks ago tonight. I pray our Lord is holding him in his arms and filling him with love, all the love a mother and father have for their son. Thank you for writing about prayers. Please pray for my family and I will pray for yours.

    1. Dear Carolyn, please accept my condolences and my prayer. My hand in yours.

      Dear Lord I come to you today asking for comfort and strength for this family.
      They are grieving the loss of their son. Please Lord I beg they will receive
      the strength to move forward and hold tight to your love as they endure the
      loss of their precious child. Help them to be strong in faith and comforted in
      the knowledge that their son is with you, that he is whole, and that he is safe
      where all of the sufferings are made good. With sincere faith I look to you Lord
      to bring light into the shadows and provide love, peace and comfort for this
      grieving family. Amen

  6. I’d call you a child of God. 😉 I don’t write down my prayers but in the Bible study I’m in they encourage it, so I’m starting a journal too. Love your posts. Love that you are an encourager. You certainly are to me. Big hugs new friend.

  7. What a great idea! I don’t write down my prayers but I often think of them afterwards so I can see this being beneficial.

  8. Your prayer post touched my heart so much that I had to call out to the Lord to touch my heart with His grace. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

  9. Hi Katy, I think your idea of chronicling your prayers is a fabulous idea Thanks for sharing your inspiration and encouragement through the years!!
    Have a wonderful week!

  10. Aw, love that you do this and I agree that writing prayers or even saying them doesn’t have to be associated with a specific religion, but just a way to express your thoughts and faith. Hugs my friend!! xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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