acorn craftiness

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  1. My son and I collect acorns each year and feed them to the squirrels off our porch!! I think next year we will have to take the tops off and try that garland though!! Its so pretty!

  2. I made fabric acorns a few years back and I still love them – worth the effort! I’m so glad to see other people still cross stitch. I know it is sort of an “old fashioned” craft, but I find it relaxing and affordable:)

  3. I used to cross stitch all the time, but I haven’t done it in a long time. Thanks for the tips for working with acorns!

  4. Oh, MY! I adore acorns. I used to go outside during lunch hour and pick them in front of my building. And then, I went nuts one year making felted acorns. I’ve got dozens of them and still have more felt to use up. I’ve attached them to branches for indoor decor. I’d post a pic, but I don’t think I can here. I don’t even mind the squirrels burying them in my yard. It’s all part of the cycle of life.

  5. Hi Kathryn, I love finding acorns and crafting with them. The first time I found some I set them on the counter and the next morning there was larva crawling around. Gross! So baking them is a very good idea! Have a lovely autumn day.
    xoxo Jo

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