comfort katherines corner

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  1. Katherine you look simply Lovely in the outfit you had on. The top is Beautiful It shows off your Beautiful Necklace. You look awesome Katherine You are Beautiful inside and out. I Also feel Blessed and comfortable when I am on your site.You always seem to touch my Heart~ Hugs my Dear Friend…

    1. Hello, thank you. They are actually artificial and they are resting in acrylic liquid ( from the craft shop) it dries hard and that is the result. Little vases are from the dollar store. Hugs

  2. I am all about comfort in things that I wear!! I have really awful anxiety, if an outfit makes me uncomfortable I am a hot mess all day lol!! Its awful!! I love that she makes close that are comfortable and super cute!! I am totally the person who would wear a onesie all day if I could get away with it lol!! Alas, I cannot 😉

  3. Your pictures of you in your new top are pretty darn cute, Katherine! My comfort clothes are a long or short-sleeved 100% cotton T-shirt and a pair of jeans. This is pretty much my uniform and all I ever wear. Sometimes I wear dressier jeans and a shirt with a little bling, but that’s about all. i don’t think I’ve worn a dress for ten years!

    Another thing that gives me comfort right now is cuddling up with my two grandsons on the couch and reading stories before they go to bed. They are here at my house during the week to go to school but when they go to their dad’s on Friday for the weekend I really miss them and story time. It just feels so good to have their little bodies close to mine on either side even tho’ sometimes they are squirmy and wiggly. They are indeed a comfort and a blessing to my life.

    I also find comfort in my own bed, sleeping with my dog! He’s a labradoodle so he’s nearly as big as a small person and creates quite a bit of warmth despite being on top of the covers. It’s very cozy with him next to me and I feel safe. I think he would bark furiously if anyone were to try to break in and he might even attack.

    So those are my examples of comfort. I know there are more if I were to think about it, but I’m so grateful for just those three. Comfort is a real blessing I think and I wish that everyone could have it in their life. The world would likely be a better place.

    1. Naomi, thank you so much for your comment and for sharing the wonderful ways you enjoy comfort. I love that we wear the same “uniform” and have so many similar ways we enjoy comfort. Big Hugs!

  4. I’m writing this while dressed in my pajamas. It’s 4 pm. Yes, it’s early for jammies, but, when I know I’m not going back outside, I get my street clothes off. My jammies make me feel comforted and comfy. I dress for comfort now that I’m retired. And I realize that most of the time, I might look like a slob. But I’ve ceased to care about being fashionable, trendy and smartly dressed. My priorities lie elsewhere. I hope others see that my brand is about simplicity and being real.

    But I do love tunic tops because that’s about as comfy street wear you can get. Loose, flowing. Love it. And I do appreciate and value your authenticity, Katherine!

  5. Aw, you look gorgeous, Katie and loved seeing some pics of you here in this newest shirt you reviewed. Again absolutely beautiful, my friend. Now Happy Friday and weekend ahead xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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