garden stroll monday inspirations

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  1. I love seeing all of the beautiful spring flowers and greener. Here in Columbus we are still having snow flurries but spring will get here at some point.

    1. We have crazy weather here too. Yesterday it snowed in the morning,we had sunshine in the afternoon combined with snow, I was looking for a snow rainbow, LOL. hugs and I’ll see you at the party tomorrow.

  2. Beautiful garden stroll and sorry so late today. Was off chaperoning my younger daughter’s school play field trip today. But just stopping in to wish you a wonderful Monday now!! xoxo <3

    1. Janine, you are such a kind soul. Never apologize for living your life and what a fun way to make memories. I have plenty of field trips under my belt, always loads of sun, chaotic, but fun, right? It is a joy to call you my friend, thank you for being part of my day. xo

  3. Dearest Katie, thank you for featuring Under The Rose Arbor. Spring has suddenly disappeared today with the morning temperature dipping to 35 degrees. Happy Monday sweet friend!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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