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  1. Thank you so much for featuring one of our favorite recipes, Southwest Baked Pork Chops. I hope you try and enjoy them as much as we do.

  2. I didn’t leave a comment? Odd. I always comment. Maybe I missed last weeks link up. Anyway, great idea. Thanks for the link up. I’m #257, 258, and 259 this week.

  3. Hi Katherine! Thank you so much for featuring my Air Fryer Ranch Chickpeas! What a sweet surprise to be grouped in with other so talented bloggers! This week I’m posted at 249 showing off my Farmhouse Valentine Decor. I hope you have a lovely weekend sweet lady!

  4. Thank you Katherine for featuring my french toast bake. Thank you so much for hosting again this week. You always do so much for bloggers! Have a relaxing week! I am off to see some posts. Looks like a lot of inspiration tonight.

  5. Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the feature!!!
    I will be giving you a Shout Out on my face book page and in my next post!!
    Thanks so much or hosting each week!! My Link Ups for this week are # 132 and #133!!

  6. Thank you for selecting our DIY Valentine’s Day Gifts for Grandparents as one of your features! We appreciate it so much! This week we’re sharing #124. Hope you’re having a nice week!

  7. Thank you so much for featuring our best fudge recipe! We appreciate it so much. Thank you too for hosting the party each week and giving us an opportunity to share our recipes and enjoy links from others. Enjoy your weekend.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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