waiting on spring

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  1. Waiting on spring here in northern Nevada as well. Rain and snow is our lot today and tomorrow, but hopefully it will warm up soon!

  2. Hi Katherine! We’re still waiting for the weather fluctuations to stop here in the Deep South. Warm one day, cool the next. It’s usually warm by this time of year. The tulip festival looks beautiful and I bet it’s loads of fun. We have a local arts and crafts festival here named after one of our famous local painters. It’s a lot of fun as well. Lots to see and plenty to buy! LOL! I just wanted to say, it’s refreshing to find a 50+ blogger, being I’m over 50 myself. Loved all your spring photos! Have a great day!

  3. The temperatures are hovering around 50 here, as well. Sun is shining, but still has that chill or nip to the air feel. So, anxiously waiting on Spring here, too now. Hugs and Happy First Day of Spring xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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