summer salads TFT link party features

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  1. hi Katherine! I am thrilled to be one of your salad features, and also thank you for including my watermelon cactus! It was such fun to make and the hit of my patio party! My links are #30,31, 38, thanks so much!

  2. Good morning Katherine! Wonderful features this week! I’m posted at #199 today where I talk about how my husband built a pallet wood planter box. Have a great weekend! 🙂

  3. Thank you so much for featuring our Chopped Greek Salad. We appreciate that. Our links this week are: #123, #124, & #125. Enjoy your week.

  4. Thank you for featuring my salad. What a nice surprise. This week is Holiday Week. And once again late showcasing the recipes. But, I am sharing a Strawberry Jello Poke Cake, a Red, White and Blue Cheesecake and a fantastic Patriotic Brownie with a Pretzel Crust for everyone in the family. Thanks for hosting. Have a lovely evening!

  5. Those salads look amazing! I got in early this week, at 26 and 27!!! (I woke up and linked right away! LOL!) Thanks for hosting, Kat!

  6. Katherine,
    Thanks for hosting each week !! My Link Ups are # 75 and 76 for this week!!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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