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  1. Oh no, Katherine! I have had that happen when the photos pile up on my computer as well. I bought an external hard drive to save them when they get to be too much, but that deleting process can take the better part of an entire day when the number of photos reaches in the tens of thousands. I feel your pain! My mouse gets all wonky when the battery starts to die (which seems to happen too often and batteries are expensive!) so I always try to tolerate its glitchiness until the thing dies completely. Haha. At least Mercury has moved out of retrograde until June. May the sloths hibernate until then!


  2. I was working on a blog post last night and I was having the SAME problem in my iPhotos. I, too, looked at the amount of photos there and thought to myself that when things “slow down” (you know, in my spare time, LOL) I should start weeding out my photos. I have about 20k. My goal is to do a month’s worth a week-just take an hour every Sunday- and delete duplicates of what I don’t need.

  3. Yes, I can totally relate to this as today I am suffering from a migraine after falling asleep watching TV last night, because something about the pressure I put on my neck if I do fall asleep this way that triggers it for me. That god I have a chiropractor appointment tomorrow as he will hopefully be able to adjust my neck to help with this. Fingers crossed. Hugs my friend and here is to moving less like a sloth for us both very soon now xoxo <3

  4. I have not thought about a sloth in quite some time. My daughter, 23, is in love with the sloth decor, stationery, etc. I feel like a sloth most of the time as I have a disease called POTS and am in bed or slowly walk to bathroom and back. That is my day and life has been turned upside down at age 61. I have been to Washington University for diagnosis. I had been to MANY doctors over the years with symptoms that led up to this immobility. When you mentioned your migraine I immediately prayed for you. I struggle with them and have had tremendous relief with Botox injections 4x a year. Most of my day is spent enjoying blogs such as yours, Bible studies, Netflix and keeping in touch with friends via phone. I have a wonderful husband of 41 years. I have not been out of my house since October. Thanks for blessing me with your sweet inspiration and decor.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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