creative things to do and TFT party

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  1. hi katherine! I am mentioning you in a post about how to be a better blogger and wanted to let you know i also mentioned your giveaways with a link back to you! They are too much fun! Are you getting a little snow/rain? We are supposed to get it tomorrow! laura

    1. God bless you, my darling friend, thank you for your thoughtfulness. It was a beautiful bluebird day yesterday no rain but plenty of fluffy white clouds. I think today is supposed to be the same. I like rainy days so the forecast for a bit of rain this weekend makes me smile. Love and Hugs!

  2. Thank you so much for hosting the party. Maybe I will do some cleaning now, since I have now been put on a 2 week “vacation” from my work. Our links this week are: #220, #221, & #222. Stay safe.

  3. Hello Katherine! Thank you so much for featuring my crocheted edge tea towel, I truly appreciate it my sweet friend! Have a happy weekend! 🙂

  4. Gah, I am starting to get jealous of all these people who have so much extra time during this quarantined isolation! I have so much less time now since I already work from home but now I have to home school my kids, too. I’m going to need a vacation when this comes to an end! Haha. Thanks for hosting! I appreciate all the creative ideas that everyone is sharing. Stay safe and healthy.


  5. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with WEED APPRECIATION DAY and WHAT WAS IT? (ANIMAL PROMPT 75 WORDS).

  6. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 3-16 to 3-20 on my blog. On Tuesday was a Corned Beef Hash Egg Bake. Wednesday was Butter Cake Cherries Jubilee. Thursday was Corned Beef Turkey Sandwich. And winding up this Easter Week of Goodies is Tip Friday Hacks For Eggs. Enjoy!

  7. Hi Katherine! That bunny cake seems destined to get a lot of us cheerfully creating in the kitchen, and what a delightful project with children! Thanks for hosting, for encouraging creatives, and for bringing so much light during shadow times. I’m sharing today at #90, 92, and 93, and my aim is never to gloss over the unlovely, but to look closer to uncover true joy and blessing for it’s always there. Wishing you strength, good health, and endurance as we face uncertain days ahead. xox

  8. Good Morning Katherine! Thank you for featuring my Rainbow Girl! This is such a great opportunity to tap into our inner creativity while we are at home. Blessings and stay well! My links are #68, 69, 70, thank you!

  9. Pingback: Do Not Fear

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