Easter bunny diy and decor

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  1. Thank you for hosting! This is what I featured the week of 3-23 to 3-27 on my blog. On Tuesday was Banana Walnut Bread. Wednesday was my very own Banana Split Dump and Go Pie. Thursday was Blueberry Banana Bread With a Secret Touch. And winding up this Banana Week of Goodies is Tip Friday Keeping Eggs Fresh. Enjoy!

  2. Thank you so very much for featuring me! I always have a lot of fun visiting other blogs from our party. Keep up the good work. We all need some cheer in these coming days.

  3. That tablescape…oh my! Thank you for hosting this wonderful gathering, Katherine. I always look forward to seeing what so many creative hearts put out into the world. We need the artist more than ever, and encouraging each other matters. I’m sharing at #125, 126, and 128 today with inspiring quotes, encouragement, and even a yummy tropical breakfast bowl. While I work from home, the current distancing is still a challenge as things do not at all feel normal for me internally. With so much hurt, suffering, and fear ‘out there,’ there is a pervasive sense of unrest within me since it is so challenging to serve or help. I can only pray and seek the grace for eyes to see as He sees. Wishing you comfort, assurance, and gentleness as you navigate this time as a sister on the journey. xox

  4. i’m so happy to be joining you today. Thank you for keeping this party going, more important than ever that we stay connected. Take care of yourself and your family.

  5. Thank you so much for hosting! Those features are adorable and pretty. I am really struggling to embrace the Easter season this year. Linking up as # 40, 41, & 43 this week.

  6. Katherine,
    Thanks so much for hosting during these trying times!! Link parties are the perfect distraction!!
    My link Ups are # 28, 29 and 31 for this week!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  7. Beautiful party, my friend! Happy TFT. I pray you are happy and healthy. (We definitely have similar likes) xoxo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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