schapso adult dog Izzy

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  1. Oh, I hate to repeat what Denise said but my thoughts were exactly – what a cute interview 🙂

  2. I love this! Izzy is so articulate and wise! Thanks for the reminder to consider our pets – mine used to be under the bed for days around the 4th. Hope you both have a lovely celebration this year!

    1. Thank you and Izzy said thank you too. We wrap him in a heavy blanket and just hold him.But he is blind now so I’m not sure if that will be enough to help the anxiety from the fireworks. Hugs!, he really is very wise ( smile) hugs!

  3. Aw, that is good information from Izzy! He’s so cute! Our Sunny is 14 1/2 now, and one of the mixed blessings of her being older is that she is almost deaf, so she doesn’t get stressed about the firewords or thunder anymore. She used to get VERY VERY stressed about those, so at least now that doesn’t happen anymore. I feel so sorry for pets on the 4th of July.

  4. Katherine and Izzy,
    So glad to read your interview. You did a great job Izzy. I hope you enjoyed your treats. My dogs aren’t afraid of the fireworks unless it gets really loud. My daugher’s dog hates them and even thunder. Stay cuddled and safe.
    Happy 4th of July.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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