A Craw Sticker
Hello friends, I hope everyone enjoyed a positive weekend. It was so hot here. When we went to bed last night hubby and I were trying to outguess each other on the actual temperature. So we asked Alexa, she is a wise little device ( smile), it was 91 degrees! Now that’s hot.

Have I ever shared the term ” craw sticker” with you? I’ve been blogging for so long I may repeat myself on occasion. Have you ever heard someone say, ” that is really stuck in her craw”? Meaning- something she can’t stop thinking about. Usually something negative.
Well, I put a little twist on it one day when hubby and I were discussing something and I said, “now that’s a craw sticker”. We laughed a lot and well, that term has been used ever since. But, not always about something negative. Mostly about something hard to believe, odd, or curious.
As a blogger, you have to learn to have “thick skin”.

But let me tell you…it can be hard sometimes. Letting go and not being insulted or upset, by a comment someone leaves here in my happy place. Well, it can occasionally be a “Craw Sticker”.
I did share a particularly horrible one on Facebook once. I had over 1000 responses! Wow. But that was something much, much worse than this “craw sticker”.
I’m sharing this craw sticker with you as a way of letting go of it. I know there is a possibility the commenter may receive some odd satisfaction out of knowing it hurt me. But, I’m asking you for your thoughts anyway.
What does it mean to you, when I write (wink) in a blog post?
What I mean when I use the (wink) in a blog post is; a smile, a little tease, a nod with humor.

Thank you my sweet bloggy friends for your input. Thankfully as a blogger, I have the “power of delete”. Insert powerful theme music here (smile). So you will not see the mean comments people leave.
Hot here, too and the air conditioner is getting a workout. I like your Craw Sticker idea and definitely made me smile about the thoughts of letting certain things go this way. Hugs and Happy Tuesday, Katie xoxo <3