6 ways to keep cool on hot summer nights without air conditioning

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  1. Wow, I wish I would have had those GREAT tips years ago!! We didn’t have air conditioning until I was about 11 years old. I can remember lying in bed near the window fan, feeling very very sweaty! Looking back, I don’t know why I didn’t just go sleep in the basement… Also, my daughter’s garden is bursting with cucumbers, and I know she’ll be sharing some, so I’m glad to see the recipe. Have a great day sweet friend.

  2. Katherine, some great tips here. And the cucumber salad looks so inviting. As you might remember, I live on Vancouver Island, a five hr. north and west commute from Vancouver. The temperature today is 75 F. I don’t know how you manage the heat. I’ve never been good at it. I grew up in Winnipeg where the temps could get to 90 in the summer.
    Rob and I are heading soon to Greenville, Mississippi to see our grandson, who’s there right now, and then we’ll go to New Orleans. I hope the extreme heat will be gone by then.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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