tft blog hop features

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  1. Pingback: Here Fishy Fishy
  2. Hi Katherine, what a thrill to open your post and see my Birds of Paradise featured! Thank you! I hope you are having a joyous summer! My links this week are #33, 34, 35, thank you for hosting this favorite party!

  3. Hi Katherine! Thank you so much for featuring my DIY Farmhouse Cake Stand, I’m so honored and I appreciate you! I posted at #187 today where I’m sharing two different Farmhouse Centerpieces. Have a great weekend! 🙂

  4. Hi Katie, its been awhile since I last stopped by, I have been struggling, my husband passed last month and I have had a hard time concentrating and getting things done online. But Im working on staying positive. Please be sure to let me know upcoming giveaways, I seemed to have missed a few. Hope you are doing well and cooler in North Utah. Were hot in Vegas. Hope you have a great weekend, stop by if you have a chance.

  5. Thank you for featuring our Never Fail White Cake. And thank you too for hosting the party. Our links this week are: #165, #166, & #167.

  6. Thanks for hosting! This week I am bringing more goodness from my home to your table. A delicious Navy Bean Salad kicks off the list. Then an Amish Pasta Salad salad for a cold light summer lunch. To round off the menu is a simple and juicy Fresh Melon Salad to brighten your table and taste buds as well! Enjoy!

  7. That tablescape looks so pretty! I just love bird of paradise flowers. Thanks so much for hosting each week. Linking up as #102-104 this week.

  8. Hey Katherine! Thanks so much for your time and talents managing TFT each week – as a blogger, I know how much discipline and commitment is involved. I’m sharing a super easy summery salad recipe at #74 and chatting away in the kitchen. When it’s this hot, nothing ever sounds good! Hope you like, and peace to you, friend.

  9. Katherine,
    Thanks so much for the feature!!!
    I gave you a Shout Out on face book and will do so in my next post!!!
    Thanks so much for hosting each week!! My Link Ups for this week are # 70 and # 71!!

  10. Hi Katie, slowly getting back into the swing of things after our vacation. But happy to try to join in this week. Happy Thursday and wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead now xoxo <3

Love each other as God loves you xo

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