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  1. I like Cher, but for me it was the Beatles and always will be. Especially their early years of being the mop-tops. A special time because I was growing up then. I liked Sonny and Cher too, though, and have always liked “Half Breed, Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves,” and “It’s in His Kiss.”

  2. Oh I have to comment on this post of Cher. My best girlfriend too is ga ga over Cher and has seen her in concert are you ready? 10 times!!!! You two are soul mates. I do love the girl…just probably not as much as you two☺ Can I tell you, that I adored her in the laundry room skit her and Sonny did on their show every week!!

    Of the subject…Would you be willing to give me the code on how to do the box and the enter email address and button you put at the end of your posts? I want to do this in the worse way☺

  3. this post made me smile, katherine! i was born in 85 and discovered Cher really late. i think just before high school (around 98). i think she’s one of those celebs that have really aged gracefully. funny thing though, i have memorized her song “believe” by heart after seeing it on mtv. for some weird reason, the song got stuck in my head like it’s hardwired or something. i mindlessly sing/hum it automatically whenever i’m bored/working/thinking like it’s the most natural thing. i honestly have no idea why i do that. my friends and coworkers used to tease me about it but i can’t help it so i just embrace it. it’s a really nice song anyway. 🙂

  4. U wont believe it Katherine, but My fav was Cher also!! half breed was my fav song made me feel cool and accepted of my halfbreed status cause it wasnt acceptable to be biracial in the 50’s but I am biracial so Cher made me feel special with her song about being bi-racial.

  5. I love Cher too! I saw her in concert in 2004. I brought my grandmother with me and the local news interviewed her. They asked her something along the lines of if she liked Cher. Her response-I use to like her but not so much anymore! My mouth dropped! We had a great time though and definitely have a wonderful memory of going to see Cher with my grandmother!

  6. I wanted to be Cher too. My younger sister & I used to play Sonny & Cher. I always made her be Sonny cuz she was shorter and had short hair. I was ten in ’73 and Half Breed was the first record I ever bought. In high school when I had to write a paper on the woman I admired the most Cher was the first person that came to mind. My teacher wasn’t impressed – he thought Eleanor Roosevelt was a better choice. I never saw her in concert, but think I need to read her book for old times sake.

  7. How awesome to see her in person. My father managed a movie theatre in Chicago and had them on stage once when they were first starting out. Barry Manilow was one of my favorites and I have seen him several times in person. It’s such a thrill!

  8. Stopping by from the Hop.

    I like Cher but I didn’t grow up with her.
    I did however grow up with Mariah Carey. I so wanted to be her. Her curly hair, her HUGE voice. She was just beautiful…! I I wanted to dress like her. I too, would sing in the bathroom thinking I was her.


  9. I used to love that show too! Loved the skits. I also wanted to be a singer, but can’t sing either.. My dear husband let me sing La Vie En Rose once at the piano bar when the only people left were our friends. e had practiced it the day before in is studio. Our wonderful all clapped and smiled, but afterwards he said, “honey, that was terrible.” I said, “I know, but at least I tried.” LOL

  10. I loved the Sonny and Cher show! I have never seen her in concert, but..I love to watch her concerts on my living room flat screen, they are awesome!

    My favorite celebrity / crush was David Cassidy on The Partridge Family. =) I watch the reruns on TV now, and still think he is cute! =)

  11. I wanted to be Helen Hunt. Hehe. I first saw her in this sad, but moving movie called “Project X” with Matthew Broderick. I was nine years old and wore the same clothes, did my hair the same way and wanted to work with animals for a long time after seeing that movie. 🙂

  12. Every time I looked at Cher’s tall, slender body I knew I’d never be Cher. I’m built very close to the sidewalk. I loved that show too. I would wait all week to see what outfit she was going to come up with next.

  13. You are too modest about your singing, dear Katie. Izzy told me you can hit high notes that only he can hear! (LOL) I watched Sonny and Cher’s TV series and always enjoyed their unique chemistry and impeccable comedic timing. Their show redefined cool. Remember their ongoing V-A-M-P sketch? I was impressed by Cher’s versatility and adaptability. As tastes in music changed and changed again she maintained her credibility as an artist and won new generations of fans. Sonny was a key figure in the burgeoning West Coast music scene of the 60s, working in the studio with Phil Spector and others to produce many of the hits we know and love. A friend of mine saw Cher perform in Vegas a year ago and loved her. Have a happy Tidbit Tuesday, dear Katie!

  14. I loved Cher! I have always thought she was an amazing personality. She is a strong woman and I have always admired her for that. I loved all the wild skimpy clothes too 😉 My husband took me to see her in concert about 15 years ago and it was fantastic! Thanks for the walk down memory lane. I think I’ll go and listen to Gypsies Tramps and Thieves 🙂

  15. Loved, loved, loved that show – Cher’s talents are endless – her comedic timing on the show was flawless. And the costumes, oh, the costumes. Thank you, Bob Mackie!

    They don’t make tv or stars like that any more!! Thanks for the nostalgia trip, Katie.

  16. I am a bit younger, but I grew up watching re-runs of the Sony and Cher Show with my mom, who loved that show. I had a few celebrities that I loved, but nothing that sticks out like that. By the way, I am with you and can’t carry a tune unfortunately for anything!!

  17. I am with you as a fan of Cher! Went to her last Brisbane concert and sung my lungs out – and like you I can’t carry a tune for quids. But when anyone ever makes a comment (usually rude) about my singing I do ask them about the last time they had their ears checked – I am positive it is their ears that has the problem, not my singing!!! It always sounds identical to Cher when I join in…J

  18. Ah Hah!!! Got you thinking of the Sonny and Cher show didn’t I??? lol
    I loved it too!
    Someone I just cannot picture Cher drinking a cup of tea though!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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