From Garden to Table and TFT Blog Hop
Hello friends, Happy TFT day! Welcome old and new friends! I’m so happy you are here. It’s time to party and share your amazing blogs with blog writers and blog readers everywhere. We have been enjoying fresh veggies from our garden. Mostly zucchini, green beans and tomatoes so far. With fresh peppermint and fresh basil too. There’s something truly wonderful about stepping outside to the garden and then serving it with a meal, or as a meal. This week’s surprise features are all things you can pick fresh and serve in a variety of ways. The features are just a few of the wonderful blogs shared every week. If you missed last week’s party please click HERE

Just a quick reminder, when you share your posts each week nobody knows what the feature theme will be. Not even me! I don’t select a theme until after the party ends. I will share some of your wonderful posts as features at the TFT party each week. All of the hostesses have features, be sure to stop by their blogs too. xo

Here’s a look at what I’ve been up to since last week’s party-

I’m trying to grow my Pinterest followers and re-pins! Will you help? Please pin the features from the original blogs, so the blogger who shared gets the credit. But, I do invite you to pin my feature image and follow me on Pinterest, please.

Taking a look back at one of my older posts that shares today’s theme.

this is the spiralizer I use
- Angie The Happy Gardner shared a phenomenal salad! Rich with all things yummy and healthy.
- My Hubbard Home shared her garden fresh summer salad. Divine!
- Nancy C made strawberry salsa! What..yes please ( one of my favorite fruits)
- Angie from Gods Growing Garden shared a celebration of her 10 years blogging and shared some great canning tips . I am happy to say I have been happily following along with her for many of those years.

A bonus feature this week! Look at these almost to cute to eat watermelon cookies shared by Cindy’s Online Recipe Box

Have you met your co-hostesses? You will want to get to know these lovelies, they are blog party rock stars! Please follow their blogs and social media and stop by to say thank you for hosting, you will be so happy you did. They also share features every week!

- Katherine-Katherines Corner Pin| Insta| Tw
- Bev-Eclectic Red Barn Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Amber-Follow the Yellow Brick Home Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Theresa-Shoestring Elegance Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
- Linda-Crafts a la Mode Pin| FB | Insta| Tw
- Pam-An Artful Mom Pin| FB| Insta| Tw
The fresh veggies look so good! Thanks for hosting each week; it’s appreciated! I’m now following you on Pinterest, and I’d love a follow back. I’m finally trying to grow my social media presence, now that I think I’ve got the tech side of blogging down a little. I’m @lifeasaLEOwife
thank you so much, I’m already following you ( smile)
Thanks for hosting each week. I am links 20 and 21. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
Not much for watermelon, but I would eat those cookies.
Thanks so much for including the Strawberry Salsa in your features!
Have a wonderful week!
I only grow flowers in my garden — now, maybe I’ll branch out! Thanks for hosting! I’ve linked at #98
Thanks for featuring my Watermelon Slice Cookies! I just keep the log in refrigerator, to slice & bake as I need them during the summer. … and thank you for hosting this party.
Thank you for hosting this linky party!
Oops!! Forgot my links! I’m at 70 & 71 this week!
Thanks for hosting, Katherine! Love all the recipes! Have a wonderful weekend!
Forgive my mistake, I’m link 59 and 62, not 52!
Xx Daniela
Dear Katherine,
I thank you wholeheartedly for hosting today too, and for sharing such wonderful features and recipes, as well!
Blessings from across the Ocean
Xx Daniela
P.S Today I’m sharing links 59 and 52.
Thank you Katherine, we’ve been eating tomatoes from our garden and enjoying corn and zucchini from the farmer’s market, so good! My links are #22, 23, 24. Love the theme and features this week!
My Link Ups for this week are # 38 and 39!
Thanks so much for hosting this charming party each and every week!! I so appreciate all the time and effort that does into it!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!
Oh my goodness, I could sit at that window seat looking out at that view for hours! Thanks for hosting Katherine and have a lovely Thursday! Linking up this week at 31 & 32.