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  1. Thank you, Katherine, for posting this much-needed reminder that we can briefly step away from the current world situation to calm minds and hearts. I personally get very stirred up from watching the news and need to restrain my time doing so even when I want to be informed. Time spent away from the turmoil is definitely needed. Hugs to you~

  2. Step away from the chaos and the news and listen to God.
    Snow is peaceful. I wish we saw it more here.
    And yes, turned clocks forward. I hate spring forward. I needed that hour of sleep.

    1. Hello my friend, God knows all, He wants us to know we can step away for a while without losing our empathy. Daylight savings means take a nap when you can ( smile). Hugs!!!

    1. Thank you sweet friend, it is heart crushing to see the turmoil. It’s okay to step away for a bit. Wishing you a beautiful day my thoughtful friend. xo

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