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  1. Pingback: Thoughts on June
  2. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! How wonderful to have so many beautiful years together and enjoy so much time together! That is true love! I’m so happy I found your blog, it’s just awesome!

    1. Nancy I am so happy you found me too.(smile) I hope you will always enjoy your visits to Katherines Corner. Thank you for the anniversary wishes, I am truly blessed. Hugs!

  3. Congratulations on your Anniversary! You & Hubby have been blessed with many happy years.

    I am new to your blog and just looked at the picture of your teacups. I am a tea addict and have recently added a Quimper tea pot to my collection. (which i did not need but could not pass it by)

    My love of tea started when I spent weeks of study in Cambridge in 1998. I like my tea strong with milk & raw sugar.
    My first British teapot with a fruit pattern was purchased on a trip to England with my husband the following year.

    Enjoy a cuppa and celebrate your twenty years! Patty

    1. Welcome to Katherines Corner! Thank you so much Patricia for sharing with me and for the anniversary wishes. I imagine your collection is amazing.I do have a few teapots. My teacup collection has grown beyond a collection and perhaps on its way to hoarder status ( laughing).I often say tea runs through my veins. (smile) I am a British Citizen and I think it might be mandatory to collect all things tea, LOL. I will think of you and your lovely comment when I have my tea this morning. Hugs!

  4. Katherine,
    Congratulations on your anniversary. How wonderful! You and hubby enjoy your time together and your anniversary.

Love each other as God loves you xo

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