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  1. I’ve noticed less bees here than there were years ago. We have a LOT of wasps, though, and I,too, hate them! xo

  2. Katherine,
    We don’t have many bees at our home, although we do have wasps. Bees are here, but not where we live. I try not to plant many bee loving plants since I am so allergic to them.
    Great post.

    1. Oh rats I’m sorry to learn you are allergic.I know what that is like though. Don’t tell the wasps, but I hate them. We have them everywhere and some live underground others have hives in the eaves of our house… ugh! xo

  3. Completely unaware that there are states without bees. How dreadful! Even *more* happy we have an abundance around us. I take them off flowers and “pet” them and they sit on my leg for a while when I’m on the porch. I love those little guys:)

  4. Thank you for reminding us how important Bees are. I had no idea we had states with no Bees! That is so sad. One of the things I would like to try when I retire is beekeeping.
    Have a great day!

    1. Hello Lynda, I live in the Bee Hive state. We actually have a lot of opportunities for learning beekeeping here. I think it’s a wonderful idea to give it a try when you retire. Hugs

Love each other as God loves you xo

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