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  3. I grew up with the King James version but found the NIV when I was in my very early 30s. I learned so much more with it because I could understand it! It felt like I was unlocking a code. I also really like my ESV Bible. xo

  4. Katherine, that verse of scripture is one that I love. I grew up with the KJV and the scripture that I have memorized is KJV. I mainly read the ESV and often the NIV. Thank you for the new series. I look forward to reading.

  5. I am actually reading the book of Isaiah right now and now I will be reading the NIV Bible because I have really been struggling with the King James Version, so thank you!

    1. Hello Teri, I know you will find the NIV Bible loses nothing in translation to more modern writing. It is very “user friendly” (smile) Thank you for your lovely comment. Hugs!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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