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  1. Aw, sweet Izzy will adjust to his blindness with your help. Dogs typically do fairly well — they rely more on their noses, anyway. I’m more worried about the diabetes — hope things are better since this post was written over the summer.

    I just recently left a job that took up all my time, and I’m looking forward to getting back to reading fun blogs. Also, I expect to have a dog next year, too. So I’ll be looking for info on dog treats, toys, etc.!

    Take care — of Izzy AND you! Sorry you have to manage a serious, chronic condition. Life should be easier…


    1. Hello Jennifer, thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment. He has adjusted very well to being blind. He manages the stairs better than we do (smile). I’m grateful you are spending time at Katherines Corner again. Come back and enter the giveaways! Hugs

  2. Poor Izzy. Our Peanut’s blind and gets around our home great.

    The key for a blind dog is to not move anything.

    If you need any help send me an email.

    Thinking of you

  3. Praying for your sweet boy Katherine. It’s so hard when our furry family suffers. They can’t talk to us and tell us how they are feeling. Your in my thoughts sweet friend. XO- MaryJo

Love each other as God loves you xo

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