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  1. Thank you so much Katherine for hosting weekly.
    I linked up this week with = 69+70+71. Come and join us Mon – Saturday at SeniorSalonPitStop as well as #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday – Saturday. You will find the info under BLOGGING

  2. Mmm cake!! One of my favorite things in the world! 🙂 Hope you had a lovely birthday, and thanks for the giveaway. Thanks as always, for hosting too. I’m at 41 and 42 this time. Hope the rest of your week is lovely!

  3. Katherine,
    Happy November!!!!
    My Link Ups for today are Numbers 19, 22 and 25!!
    Thanks again for hosting this wonderful party every week! I know how much time goes into doing so and I want you to know that it I truly appreciate it!! I hope you have a great week!

Love each other as God loves you xo

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