Thanksgiving 2023
Hello friends, today on the blog, it’s Thanksgiving! One of my favorite holidays. A whole day dedicated to gratitude! What is Thanksgiving? A day on the calendar? A feast? A much-needed day off? Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of gratitude for the blessings of the year.
Remembering what God has done, made possible, or mercifully prevented doesn’t just provide us with a sense of self-satisfied gratitude. It nudges us to give thanks with a joyful heart and that begins with recognizing God as the source of all good things and that God is always faithful to those who believe in Him. When we have accepted God’s gracious offer of life everlasting, we know the joy that comes from deep within and the perfect time for expressing it is at thanksgiving. But I hope it encourages you to express the joy of gratitude, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day. In every thought. In every breath, Give Thanks.
- Giving thanks is remembering God is the source of all good things.
- Giving thanks means thanking God with a joyful heart.
- Giving thanks is a reminder to our own egos that we are not in charge, He is!
- Giving thanks is sharing God’s gifts and blessings with others.

Please join me in prayer.
Merciful Lord, we come to you today with open hearts. We thank you for this day. For the food that nourishes our bodies. For Your love that nourishes our soul. For the love we share with others. For the gratitude we express. For the joy in all good things. We ask You to fill us with your Holy Spirit. Guide our thoughts. Guide our words. Help us to see your truth. Help us to feel your love. Help us to live in gratitude.Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Make happy memories my friends, Happy Thanksgiving!
*Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday in the United States it celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving is based on a feast shared by the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people in 1621.