Hello friends, a long time ago I wrote about knowing your purpose. At one time or another we all ask “why am I here?” One day you will know. You will realize that this (insert it here) is what you were born to do. Many people of a certain age speak often about their second act, it usually follows retirement, but not always. Their first act revolved around responsibilities for others. The second act allows the grace to move toward something that you couldn’t have done in your first act. That may be the day you know why you are here.
When I worked in internal medicine one of the Doctors would refer to me as a professional hand holder. He meant it as a compliment. He would reference different encounters of me caring for patients. He said he was proud to have me on his staff and that I was driven by empathy. He believed my purpose was spiritual. Whenever I question my purpose I am reminded of this.

We are not put here to plod through life. It’s important to listen to the whispers, is God speaking to you, has your guardian angel said something to you? Follow your faith, give Him your trust. Let Him guide you, but you must listen closely sometimes the whispers are very soft. Watch for signs illuminating your path.
I choose to believe my second act as a reverend is the path God has chosen for me. But it is only part of my purpose. I trust there is more. I will know when the time comes.
Something note worthy….do you feel deep inside that you are supposed to do something in your lifetime that is note worthy. Please rest assured, it is not a delusion wrapped in confidence, it is faith. I have faith that God will show you the path for your life’s purpose. This guidance applies no matter what stage of life you are in, whether it’s your first or second act.
Meanwhile I’ll be advocating for you through prayer and meditation. Please share your thoughts in the comments I would love to read them.
Wishing you all a blessed Sunday, Katherine